So I’ve got a little bit of a different kind of post for you guys today.
Today I’m going to share a little behind the scenes with you. I know I always love reading these kinds of posts from my favorite bloggers. I love seeing what their day is like. My life is currently in a major transition! I have worked since high school. I was a teacher for 9 years. I was always off during holidays and for summer, but other than that, I was a working mom. I am still adjusting to not working. I’ve always wanted to stay home with my kids, and I feel VERY blessed to be able to do so, but I am still adjusting to this new routine. New routine, new baby, 2 year old, resistant potty trainer, breastfeeding, home all day….let’s just say it’s different for me.
So here you go…a peek into my life on a typical Monday…
My day starts out really early quite often. It all depends on how late my little guy likes to sleep. On this day he chose this time. I could have used about another hour!
And so that’s what I did…I feel asleep for a little longer after I fed him.
Then I fixed a cup of coffee…don’t you just love my coffee cup. I got them for Christmas. They are from Dillards.
Before getting ready, I check my emails and my blog.
Say some prayers and then I go get ready before waking up the kids.
At 6:30, I go wake up my kids.
Everyone is ready to go by 7:20ish
Back at home it’s time for breakfast for my 2 year old. Little man doesn’t eat solids yet. I just set him in the highchair so I could cook breakfast.
She loves to help. She and I are really getting in a groove of cooking together.
This is one of my favorite breakfasts: Scrambled eggs in a toasted whole wheat pita with shredded cheese.
Time to feed little man. I usually try to do some work at the computer during this time. It all depends on my 2 year old. Sometimes she can occupy herself with something and other times she will climb all over me.
She loves to play with her babies.
Time to unload the dishwasher and then I chat on the phone with my mom.
Then we had some “honey bun drama.” She kept going to the pantry to get one and I kept putting them back up.
Washing, folding, putting up clothes…it never ends does it?
I can remember when I only washed like 3 loads a week!! Now I pretty much run that thing 2 to 3 times a day!
Time to exercise! I’ll admit that I’m not exactly the most motivated person when it comes to exercising. I really want to love it, but I don’t. I love how I feel, but that usually doesn’t help me. My motivation right now…the last 10 pounds of pregnancy weight left to go!!
Time to feed little man again…
Next we went to the mall to go buy my oldest daughter some boots. I don’t normally go to the mall, but I am really trying to get out of the house more.
We took a break and she played at the little kiddie playground at the mall, and then we ate lunch.
I also picked up these CUTE shoes at Dillard’s. Christmas gift for my oldest.
Back at home and time for little man to eat again. She watched Barney. At this point, we did not have time for a nap. I’m not big on skipping naps. She really needs them.
We had a few minutes to make some muffins.
Asleep again…he really is a good baby!
Discovered crushed goldfish crumbs in the chair
Time to go get the big kids from school. We only live a few minutes away. I do not go wait in the long line like some parents. I find going later only takes 10 minutes rather than sitting for an hour!
I had a few minutes before starting homework to snap some photos for the blog.
I like to let them eat a snack and watch a show on the Ipad before we do homework.
After homework, I start looking over my 2nd graders math information. We have started Common Core here in Louisiana. It has proven to be quite a challenge and we have a ways to go with the delivery of it. I am a former math teacher, and my daughter and I have spent hours on this stuff. It is getting better, but I started out the year very displeased with the rapid pacing of the curriculum.
We went outside to play for a little while before supper. Usually Monday nights are leftovers for supper, so I don’t have to cook.
Time to clean up after supper. I had one not eat, so I left his food for him. He can be very picky at times. He eventually ate it. If he had his way, he would eat mac and cheese every day.
Time for Cheer practice…my husband brought her.
Bath time…but somebody didn’t want to…
Time to feed little man again…
I’m really scared to leave him on the floor around my 2 year old! Poor baby doesn’t get as much floor time as I would like…but we do what we can.
She brought him her bear and her blanket because she whacked him on the head right before this picture. He’s going to be tough!
Time for books, brushing teeth, and bed
I think I pick up these blocks almost everyday.
And just for a funny…here’s how my husband found her the other night before we went to bed. When she was supposed to be falling asleep, she got in her closet, played, and passed out on top of everything!
With my oldest, we write down things we are both grateful for in her journal. We each write down three things from the day. We are also preparing for her first reconciliation in November. She will do this and in the Spring, she will receive her First Communion.
We try to give him at least one bottle a day. I just pump right before he is ready to eat.
I check my blog, email, and sometimes work on a post or edit photos.
I’m trying to read at night before I go to sleep. I’m usually so tired, I don’t get very far.
Well that’s a look at my day. Hope you enjoyed!
Make sure you click through and visit the rest of the bloggers giving you a glimpse into their world…
I loved following along in your busy day, Jaren! I can’t believe how much you can do a day, but you make it look easy 🙂 Your kids are all precious!
Thanks Andi!!
Looks like quite the full day!
Yes it was! Thanks for visiting Sarah!!
Wow! I sure remember those days with a toddler and a newborn. This is the first time I’ve *not* had a toddler/newborn combination, actually. It is crazy! You are doing a great job. Such a busy day! Thanks for giving us a glimpse.
Thanks Nicole! This was fun!!
I’m exhausted just reading about your day Jaren! Four children. How lucky you are really. The thing is I know how much more you do because I see your blog. Where do your find the time. Loved your day!
Thanks for visiting Ginny!!
That’s quite a day Jaren and you have brought back lots of memories for me! lol With my 6 guys, well 7 if you include hubby, I did 5 loads of laundry a day sometimes more if it was bedding day and curtain day. It would be nothing to have 30 pairs of jeans on the clothesline because my boys loved the muddy areas here on the farm. I was very lucky in that my last one slept really well. He slept through the night at 7 days old and napped very well. I was also lucky in that since my youngest was way younger than his brothers, his brothers were always fighting to help care for him. lol I have to say your little guy is growing and is to dang cute!! Your two year old is just as cute and your can see the wheels spinning in those beautiful little eyes. Enjoy these moments Jaren for they end all to soon. My oldest-32, my youngest 18 1/2 and I swear it was yesterday they all were little playing out back! Hugs my friend, Brenda
Wow 30 pairs of jeans!! What an awesome mom you are!
Nope, not awesome, just did what I had to do and because I love my family. Just as you do the things you have to do because you love your family. Hugs, Brenda
Loved seeing a day in your life, Jaren! You are so busy, but like Andi said, you make it look so easy! I remember when the kiddos were tiny and nursing all the time; it’s amazing how much time that takes! I laughed out loud at the picture of your little girl in the closet; just cracks me up seeing her on top of toys and blocks!! 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing, girl!
Thanks Ashlyn!
Wow, Jaren! You amaze me! You are so busy with a newborn, a toddler and two grade schoolers. Oh my goodness…I can’t imagine! What a beautiful family you have! I loved reading this and getting to know you better! Keep doing what you’re doing because you make it look so easy and enjoyable!
Thanks Maegan!!
Your kids are adorable!!! My day is pretty much like yours. . only my kids are a bit older so they are both in school. . but my laundry room looks exactly the same . . I am doing laundry all the time. and once the kids get home, it’s snack, homework, playtime, dinner, bath and bed time routines. I LOVE the journal idea!!! what a great idea! so special! loved visiting your blog!
Thanks for visiting Alice!
How fun! I loved this post, Jaren. Thanks for sharing it. I’m a stay-home full-time blogger, too, and I love that this shows how we don’t just sit around eating treats watching t.v. all day. Well, not most days anyway 😉
I know Mandy! Although, I’d like to sit around and catch on my DVR shows!!
Loved the glimpse into your day…I’m curious how you like that workout DVD. Recently had my 4th also, and I’m looking for some new workouts to add to my routine! 🙂
Thanks for visiting! Jillian’s program is good! She kicks my butt! I don’t follow the program and the diet exactly though, but it’s a great workout and they are only 30 minutes! I also LOVE Chalean Extreme.
Hi Jaren! That was a very interesting look into your day. I only had 2 children, but it seems like they kept me hopping. Now, hubby and I are retired and our house is quiet. I’ve been trying to get a food blog going, but I don’t think I’m doing too well. I really admire everyone who has a successful blog and can still run a household. Maybe one day I’ll get it all figured out. LOL!
Enjoy your kids, because they grow up all too fast. My daughter is 37 and my son is 36. Seems like just yesterday they were hollering “Mom!”. Big hugs! Marsha
Thanks for visiting Marsha!
Your kids are beautiful!!!! Nice to see other people have crazy amounts of laundry too. 🙂
Thanks Lisa!
Love the day in your life post. I was wondering, what do you use under your food to take blog photos, looked like wall paper or something.—
Thanks Rae! They are photo backdrops, and yes, they are just like wallpaper:)
This was such a great post, Jaren! I loved seeing a day in your life – it’s not easy staying home and managing the house, kids and the blog and you are definitely rocking it! Your kids are absolutely gorgeous – what a beautiful family! Thanks for sharing 🙂